
Enhanced Health Services Center

Project General Information

135,699 SF




Camp Ederle, Vicenza


An Italian community hospital provides an array of services for overseas military personnel.


The new Enhanced Health Service Center at Camp Ederle, Vicenza, is a freestanding community hospital for the families of military personnel living in the area. The greenfield hospital consolidated all medical and dental services and includes an outpatient surgery center and women's birthing center. The Health Center is a two-story building with a mechanical penthouse designed around a central courtyard. The courtyard incorporates a natural landscaped space within the hospital, providing a lovely backdrop for internal functions, allowing for natural daylighting and offering an opportunity for patients and other occupants to experience a calm, private natural environment. Italian materials were woven into the color and material palette to reflect the project locality. A new central energy plant provides chilled water, steam, a standby generator for emergency power/interruptible power source, and a control system with energy monitoring.

Facilities support primary care, orthopedics, women’s health services, radiology, laboratories, physical therapy, optometry, social work, community health, preventive medicine, early intervention services, general dental services, clinic administration, maternal-child birthing services and ambulatory surgical services. Additional work at the Enhanced Health Service Center included water conditioning, special foundations, radon mitigation and lightning protection. Antiterrorism/force protection (AT/FP) measures include redundant structural systems for resistance to progressive collapse, blast-resistant exterior doors, security lighting, protective landscaping and barrier protection.


Designed to LEED Silver

The new Enhanced Health Service Center at Camp Ederle, Vicenza, is a freestanding community hospital for the families of military personnel living in the area. The greenfield hospital consolidated all medical and dental services and includes an outpatient surgery center and women's birthing center. The Health Center is a two-story building with a mechanical penthouse designed around a central courtyard. The courtyard incorporates a natural landscaped space within the hospital, providing a lovely backdrop for internal functions, allowing for natural daylighting and offering an opportunity for patients and other occupants to experience a calm, private natural environment. Italian materials were woven into the color and material palette to reflect the project locality. A new central energy plant provides chilled water, steam, a standby generator for emergency power/interruptible power source, and a control system with energy monitoring.

Facilities support primary care, orthopedics, women’s health services, radiology, laboratories, physical therapy, optometry, social work, community health, preventive medicine, early intervention services, general dental services, clinic administration, maternal-child birthing services and ambulatory surgical services. Additional work at the Enhanced Health Service Center included water conditioning, special foundations, radon mitigation and lightning protection. Antiterrorism/force protection (AT/FP) measures include redundant structural systems for resistance to progressive collapse, blast-resistant exterior doors, security lighting, protective landscaping and barrier protection.

Designed to LEED Silver


The new Enhanced Health Service Center at Camp Ederle, Vicenza, is a freestanding community hospital for the families of military personnel living in the area. The greenfield hospital consolidated all medical and dental services and includes an outpatient surgery center and women's birthing center. The Health Center is a two-story building with a mechanical penthouse designed around a central courtyard. The courtyard incorporates a natural landscaped space within the hospital, providing a lovely backdrop for internal functions, allowing for natural daylighting and offering an opportunity for patients and other occupants to experience a calm, private natural environment. Italian materials were woven into the color and material palette to reflect the project locality. A new central energy plant provides chilled water, steam, a standby generator for emergency power/interruptible power source, and a control system with energy monitoring.

Facilities support primary care, orthopedics, women’s health services, radiology, laboratories, physical therapy, optometry, social work, community health, preventive medicine, early intervention services, general dental services, clinic administration, maternal-child birthing services and ambulatory surgical services. Additional work at the Enhanced Health Service Center included water conditioning, special foundations, radon mitigation and lightning protection. Antiterrorism/force protection (AT/FP) measures include redundant structural systems for resistance to progressive collapse, blast-resistant exterior doors, security lighting, protective landscaping and barrier protection.


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Ann Miller

Project Manager, NAVFAC Atlantic

RLF has a very professional and technically knowledgable staff of architects and engineers with strong Project Managers. This was a very challenging Hospital. RLF's Project Manager did a fantastic job managing the medical clients and the Army DPW, creating a state-of-the-art hosiptial in northern Italy. RLF's performance on this contract was excellent, I have worked with this firm for over 20 years and highly recommend RLF as a premier design firm.